9 Last Minute Moving Tips

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Need to complete a last-minute move? Whether the cause of a sudden move is procrastination or sudden news, you need to figure out how to get it done fast. 


Here’s the catch: you never want to postpone moving plans. Make them early. Once a company is booked out, spots are hard to come by, leaving you in the hands of third-party brokers who will hike up the price. 


If you’re stuck with a last-minute move, here are nine moving tips that can help you get from point A to point B with less stress. 


1. Start with the Big Picture 

Paralyzed by seemingly endless to-do’s, you feel overwhelmed, not knowing where to start. If this is you, take a deep breath, make a list, and check things off one at a time. 


Get your logistics sorted. What moving company will you choose? Will you DIY the move by renting a truck? 


If you are renting a truck or hiring moving help, write down the price quotes from two or three companies, then make the best decision you can. 


2. Get a Moving Checklist (ASAP)

A checklist will make things so much easier, reducing your overall stress and anxiety. What items take priority? Who do you need to contact to make address changes? 


3. Make a Plan for Your Move 

Even on short notice, you can make a plan for your move. It doesn’t have to be a detailed blueprint. 


For example, if you’re paying money to a utility company, call them and make sure your address gets updated. 


Continue to list out the action items you MUST get done. 


4. Create a Work Area to Pack Your Things 

Don’t waste time searching for packaging materials like tape, bubble wrap, or scissors. Instead, segment off an area that will be your personal packaging station. 


Keep all of your must-have packaging supplies relegated to that space: 


  • Boxes 
  • Packaging tape 
  • Wrapping paper 
  • Scissors or box cutters
  • Plastic baggies 
  • Cushioning material (towels or blankets)
  • Sharpies or markers 

5. Declutter 

The less you have to pack, the easier it will be. Donate the old clothes or items that you no longer need. 


Start in each room and make separate piles for things you’ll keep, things you’ll donate, and items you’re just not sure about. Because you’re short on time, keep any items you’re not sure about. Worry about donating them later. 


If you have furniture to donate, you can choose from several local organizations: 



6. Hire a Junk Removal Company 

If you have stuff piled up in your garage or basement that you not only do not want but is likely unsalvageable, hire a junk removal service. 


There are plenty of junk removal services in the Cincinnati area you can choose from:


7. Pack the Essentials First 

In an ideal world, you’d have a lot of time to think and deliberate about what things to take with you and what things to leave behind. But if you’re short on time and need to move fast. Stick to the essentials. 


The most important things to pack first: 

  • Chargers 
  • Medicines 
  • Day-to-day toiletries 
  • Change of clothes

Once you have your essentials packed and ready to go, you can start focusing on the larger task at hand: packing the rest of your household items. 




8. Forget Organization, Just Pack It 

With time being of the essence, being perfectly organized isn’t essential here. 


Skip the labels and matching item sets, and just pack your items safely, then sort them out later.


  • Bring out your boxes one at a time as you fill them. Don’t get bogged down with piles of cardboard packing boxes filling your workspace. Clutter will slow your pace.
  • Pack your clothes as they are, with the hanger still on them; don’t bother with perfectly folding and pressing them. You can wrap a plastic garbage bag over them for some protection. Pack your drawers with clothes still in them. 
  • Use soft items, blankets, towels, or socks, to wrap fragile items. Not only are you saving money on packaging supplies, but you’re also double-packing. 

9. Ask for Help or Hire Professionals

Moving is hard in and of itself. It’s even harder when you’re pressed for time. So ask friends and family to help you. Order them pizza, bake them a treat, or give them drinks as a form of compensation. 


When things are down to the wire, hiring a top-quality moving company to help you get everything packed up and ready to go is a lifesaver. Get as much packed as you can before the movers show up. You’ll end up paying a higher fee if you leave a bunch of items for your moving company to pack.


But if you’re genuinely in a hurry, paying an extra fee for a group of professionals to get you moved as quickly as possible is well worth it. 


After a bit of chaos and stress, you can rest easy and say, “Finally, I did it!” After your last-minute move is completed, there’s one final yet equally challenging task: unpacking your belongings. Having friends or family help you with this is the best way to go. 

Get a Free Moving Quote Today 

Contact us at Nelson Markesbery Moving & Storage in Cincinnati, Ohio, for a free moving service quote. No matter how long your move is, we’ll handle it for you. 

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